One direct outcome of this race is the jealousy that we see in people all around us. We are afraid of our neighbor scoring or earning more than us. This goes to an extent in some of us who feel unhappy if the other person is happy. Many we do not realize but this feeling of jealousy is the major obstacle in achieving our potential completely. We spend a lot of time not in improving ourselves but in stopping the neighbor from doing something. The paradox is, the harder we try to stop the other person, the lesser capable we become of competing with him. Thus, it is just better to concentrate on ourselves rather on focus on something that is not in our control.
Once we have realized that we should concentrate on oursleves, the question comes up that - do we just keep running in this race without any motive? Well, there is a motive behind running/walking on this path of life. In very simple words - it is to be happy. So we do have amotive behind running but the things are not as simple as this. This is because the track of life has multiple paths. We do not realize this fact and usually end up choosing the path which the people around us are running on. As every cloth does not look good on every person, every path does not suit every human.
The joy of any work is not in the destination, it is in the journey itself. Hence the path that we take is very important. But how can we make a right choice when we are just running all the time? Hence it is very important to stop in this path of life at periodic intervals and ask if we are running in the right direction. Are we running towards the goal that will make us happy? Is running on this path making us happy? When we stop in this race and choose our priorities, then and only then can we make the right decisions about our life.
First of all life is not a race, we should live and not sprint through it. If we do consider it a race, then it is very important to pause sometimes and ask ourselves - "Am I running in the right direction? Am I happy?", and once you have the answer, make your choices and again start running.
Have you ever paused in this race of life and checked if you are happy?
Stud article! I'd recommend the movie pursuit of happiness, very relevant to the theme of this article
I could not resist commenting on it.
So here it goes:
" The irony of RAT RACE is that even if you win it, you are still a rat."
@richa - Note that life is ideally not a race, and I mention that in my article too.
Living beings are at different stages in their process of living life. It is difficult to change the mode of living at once so there should be correct ways to living life, no matter whatever stage you are in.
The most naive mode is to consider life as a race and in the article I said that it's better to compete with our own self.
The next stage is to just look around and keep running without any feeling of competition, neither with others nor with yourself.
The most advanced stage is to realize that this world is just a manifestation of our super-powerful mind and that everything around us is virtual. Hence those people will just stay in their place and observe the glory of their minds. This stage is the one which has been called the state of moksha or salvation in different philosophies.
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